On The Issues

Parental Rights & Protecting Children

Emily Phillips proudly co-sponsored the Parental Bill of Rights Constitutional Amendment and remains steadfast in her support for parental rights. She firmly believes that the government should never wield more authority over our children than their parents, except in cases of imminent and objective harm. The experiences during COVID have underscored the importance of this principle. Emily advocates for a limited government role, ensuring that parents—who know what is best for their children—retain their rightful authority.


Charter Schools and Education Freedom

Emily supports diverse education models that empower parents and families to choose what is best for their children. Every child is unique, with individual learning styles, and the government should encourage all forms of education to foster a lifelong love of learning. She proudly supports the expansion of charter schools under Commissioner Edelblut, and the largest grant in the country received by New Hampshire, and she wholeheartedly supports the growth and success of these charter schools. Her own children attend Windham Academy, a public charter school, and it has been the perfect fit for her family.

On Education Freedom Emily proudly supports expanding EFAs to every child, regardless of their income, so that every child has the opportunity to pursue and education that fits their needs!

Illegal Immigration & Sanctuary Cities

Emily Phillips believes that the current influx of illegal immigrants crossing our borders is unacceptable. She firmly supports securing both our southern and northern borders to stop illegal crossings entirely. Emily emphasizes that ICE enforcement is crucial for identifying and deporting criminal and dangerous immigrants, and state policies must not hinder these efforts.

Emily strongly opposes sanctuary city policies, which she believes endanger our communities by preventing local officers from cooperating with ICE. She has never supported such policies and clarifies that a parliamentary vote she made to try to save a bill is being misrepresented by opponents. In 2023, she voted to eliminate sanctuary policies in New Hampshire.

Emily has also engaged with law enforcement outside of “sanctuary” towns and recognizes the need for improved measures to ensure that when an illegal immigrant is arrested or detained, proper authorities are notified, and detainer requests are honored.

Abortion & Family Planning

Emily strongly supports the current law restricting late-term abortion after six months, which protects women’s health and has broad public support. Before 2021, NH had no such restrictions, unlike states like Massachusetts. Emily champions life, healthy mothers, and family protection. She, along with many Republican mothers, focuses on empowering women through comprehensive healthcare, education, support systems, and economic opportunities, including quality prenatal and postnatal care, childcare assistance, and flexible work arrangements.

Emily also advocates for education and career opportunities to ensure women never feel forced to choose between motherhood and a job. By addressing issues like financial instability and lack of support, we can create an environment where women feel confident in carrying their pregnancies to term. She appreciates the work of community family planning organizations in NH.

Emily supports collecting abortion statistics in NH to inform future legislation. These statistics are crucial for making informed policy decisions and protecting women and their children.

Drug Policy & The War on Drugs

Emily Phillips acknowledges the unfortunate reality that the war on drugs has failed, with more people addicted now than ever before. She believes that prosecuting and jailing low-level drug users has not yielded the necessary results. Instead, Emily advocates for prioritizing treatment and rehabilitation over incarceration, providing users with a pathway to recovery and reintegration into society.

Emily views each vote on this issue through the lens of helping families who are losing loved ones to addiction. She emphasizes that our policy should focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment. The high recidivism rate among former inmates underscores the need for a new approach, as users often return to their old patterns and social circles, leading them back to addiction.

Emily is committed to supporting and empowering organizations that are successfully working on rehabilitation efforts. She believes in identifying effective strategies and enabling these groups to expand their positive impact within our communities.

Medical Aid in Dying for Terminal Patients

During the debate on this bill, a Senator spoke about the tragic consequences when terminal patients take their own lives in vicious, brutal ways, and the devastating impact it has on their loved ones. Emily Phillips empathizes deeply with those who must live with such haunting images. While Emily would never want, encourage, or support someone taking their own life, she acknowledges that a law cannot prevent a determined individual from doing so, and the resulting fallout on the family can be catastrophic.

In the House, Emily sponsored a terminal patients’ “Right to Try” law, which has now become law. Her focus remains steadfast on treatment and real healthcare. Emily is committed to finding ways to allow patients and doctors to explore every possible avenue for real healthcare, ensuring innovation in safe ways. She believes in the possibility of miracles and is dedicated to never ceasing the pursuit of them.

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New Hampshire Senate District 23

Brentwood, Chester, Danville, East Kingston, Epping, Fremont, Kingston, Kensington, Newton, Sandown, Seabrook, and South Hampton